Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Tree - Herbert Gentry (1992)

A recent painting by Gentry, The Tree is a deep and provocative piece. The lush reds blend the figure into the background, much the same way as a tree blends into a forest.

This piece, like many other of Gentry's, has that entwined, twisted feel to it, similar to Celtic artwork. For this reason it represents, for me, family. The 'tree' in this instance is the family tree.Red is the colour of love, passion, blood and anger. Doesn't family often arouse these emotions?

If we look at the top figure we see a feminine face. This could be the mother, the strong head of the family, or it could have wider connotations, it could represent mother nature. Looking back at the idea of Celtic artwork, in ancient Celtic times women were highly regarded and respected. They could easily become chief of a clan.

Never forget that the top of a tree is what blossoms, so this painting could be looked at from the opposite perspective too. Maybe the head character is what we aspire to.

But what of the whispering, almost invisible character to the right of the head figure? A mischievous demon, poisoning our ideals, philosophies and aspirations, perhaps?

As always, make up your own mind on it.

1 comment:

  1. "Art is mysterious. It’s about me - it’s about you – it’s about my family, my forefather's, my mother’s. It’s not only me who’s painting, it’s the people who lived before me, connected with me." (Herbert Gentry Interview (1991) by Liza Kirwin, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian).
